Smart Meters in rented accommodation

We are regularly asked by our tenants if they have the right to have a smart meter fitted.

The short answer is yes, most tenants will not require permission from a landlord to have a smart meter fitted, especially if they are the bill payer, however, we would always recommend a tenant obtains permission prior to having the meter installed.

Below is a short exert from Ofgem (Great Britain’s independent energy regulator)

'If you pay for the gas or electricity in your rented property, you can choose to have a smart meter.

We recommend you tell your landlord before you get one. That’s because there may be rules in your tenancy agreement about how energy is supplied to the property, including the type of meter that can be installed.

If your landlord pays the energy bills, the decision to get a smart meter is up to them.

If your tenancy agreement says you need your landlord’s permission to alter metering at your property, they should not unreasonably prevent it.'

You can find the full link here which we hope you will find of interest: