What is an AST?

An AST, or Assured Shorthold Tenancy, is the most common type of tenancy agreement between landlords and tenants in the UK. It is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a property.

At Barrett Estates, we believe that understanding an AST is crucial to protecting both renters' and landlords' rights and obligations, ensuring a smooth rental experience.

Whether you’re a first-time renter or an experienced tenant, navigating the details of an AST can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why Barrett Estates is committed to breaking down the complexities of these agreements, so you can approach your tenancy with confidence.

By knowing your rights and responsibilities upfront, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure you have a positive relationship with your landlord from the start. Let’s explore the key features of an AST and how they affect tenants.

Key Features of an AST

Fixed-Term vs. Periodic Tenancy

An AST can be set for a fixed term, typically six months or a year, or it can roll on a periodic basis (usually monthly) after the fixed term expires. During the fixed term, both the landlord and tenant are bound by the terms of the agreement. After this period, the tenancy can continue unless either party gives proper notice. At Barrett Estates, we can help you navigate these terms, whether you’re dealing with a fixed-term or periodic tenancy.

Rent and Deposit Protection

The AST agreement will specify the rent amount, when it’s due, and how it should be paid. Additionally, any deposit taken must be protected in a government-approved tenancy deposit scheme, such as the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS), Deposit Protection Service (DPS), or MyDeposits. When working with Barrett Estates, we ensure that all deposits are securely protected in line with legal requirements.

Landlord's Responsibilities

Under an AST, landlords must maintain the property in a good state of repair, ensure it meets health and safety standards, and provide necessary certificates, such as the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Gas Safety Certificate. Our team at Barrett Estates ensures that all landlords meet these responsibilities, safeguarding your living conditions.

Tenant's Obligations

As a tenant, you are expected to pay your rent on time, keep the property in good condition, and adhere to the terms of the agreement. This includes not causing nuisance to neighbours and seeking permission before making any alterations to the property. Barrett Estates assists tenants in understanding their obligations and ensures that communication between landlords and tenants is clear and effective.

What Happens When the Tenancy Ends?

When your AST reaches its end, there are a few possible outcomes:

Renewal of the Tenancy

If both parties are happy, the tenancy can be renewed for another fixed term, often with the same terms or with new conditions agreed upon. Barrett Estates can handle the renewal process, ensuring everything is in order for both parties.

Rolling Tenancy

If no action is taken, the tenancy automatically becomes periodic. This means that it continues on a month-to-month basis until either the tenant or landlord decides to end it. Barrett Estates provides clear guidance and support during this transition.

Ending the Tenancy

If you wish to end the tenancy, you must provide written notice to your landlord, usually one month for a periodic tenancy or as stated in the agreement for a fixed term. Similarly, landlords need to give at least two months' notice if they want to regain possession, usually through a Section 21 notice. Barrett Estates is here to assist with the notice process, making it stress-free for both landlords and tenants.

Can the Rent be Increased During a Fixed-Term AST?

Rent increases during a fixed-term AST are usually only allowed if both parties agree or if the contract includes a rent review clause. In periodic tenancies, landlords can increase rent annually by providing the tenant with proper notice, usually one month in advance. At Barrett Estates, we ensure that any rent adjustments are fair and compliant with current regulations.

What Rights Do Tenants Have Under an AST?

Protection from Unlawful Eviction

Under an AST, tenants are protected from unlawful eviction. Landlords must follow the correct legal process, and you cannot be forced out without a court order, even after your tenancy ends. If you're renting a property in Rayleigh, Barrett Estates ensures your rights are fully respected.

Right to Peaceful Enjoyment

You have the right to live in your rental property without unwarranted interference from the landlord. While landlords can inspect the property, they must give you at least 24 hours’ notice and visit at a reasonable time, unless it's an emergency. Barrett Estates liaises between tenants and landlords to ensure that this right is upheld.

Repairs and Maintenance

If something breaks down, such as the heating system or plumbing, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to fix it in a reasonable time. Always report any issues promptly and in writing to ensure they are addressed. We provide a reliable maintenance service for all our managed properties to rent in Rayleigh, ensuring that repairs are handled quickly and efficiently.

What Are the Consequences of Breaking an AST?

Breaching the terms of your AST, such as by failing to pay rent or damaging the property, can lead to serious consequences, including eviction. However, landlords cannot simply evict you for minor issues without following the proper legal process. If there’s a dispute, we can help resolve it through mediation or by guiding you through the legal process.

Understanding your Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreement is key to a successful and stress-free renting experience. At Barrett Estates, we’re here to guide you through every aspect of your tenancy, from understanding your rights to managing communication with your landlord.

Whether you’re renting for the first time or looking to renew your tenancy, we’re committed to making the process as smooth as possible.

Looking for a property to rent in Rayleigh? Barrett Estates is here to support you every step of the way.

Are you a Landlord looking for help with property management? With our expert services, you can trust us to handle everything from AST agreements to maintenance and legal compliance.

Contact us today at Barrett Estates and let us take the stress out of finding or managing a rental property in Rayleigh.

In the meantime, we’ve answered some of your common questions about AST’s.

Frequently Asked Questions About AST’s

1. Can I leave my AST early?

Yes, but only if your landlord agrees or if there’s a break clause in your tenancy agreement. Otherwise, you may be liable for certain fees, and rent until the end of the agreed term. We can assist you in negotiating an early termination if necessary.

2. What should I do if my landlord isn’t protecting my deposit?

You can raise a dispute with a tenancy deposit scheme or take legal action. It’s a legal requirement for landlords to protect your deposit. Barrett Estates ensures that all deposits are correctly handled, providing peace of mind for tenants.

3. Can my landlord enter the property without permission?

No, your landlord must give you at least 24 hours’ notice and visit at a reasonable time unless it’s an emergency.

4. What happens if I can’t pay my rent?

Speak to your landlord immediately. They may offer a payment plan or some leniency. Persistent non-payment could lead to eviction, but this should be the last resort.

5. What is a Section 21 notice?

A Section 21 notice is used by landlords to regain possession of the property at the end of an AST without having to provide a reason. They must give you at least two months' notice.

6. Can I make changes to the property?

You usually need written permission from your landlord before making any alterations, even minor ones. Check your AST for specific clauses related to changes.